Washington Figure Skating Club
Fake Date -- Do NOT register without PERMISSION from test chair
This is not a real test date. It is a workaround for skaters to register for closed in-person test sessions if space is still available.
Please do not register for this date unless you have permission from the test chair to register for a specific test.
Contact TestingWFSC@gmail.com for questions and permission.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
We are processing your payment.
Please do
NOT refresh this page.
Please do
NOT click the "back" button.
You have previously registered for this test.
You may only select one testing level per protocol submission
Sorry, this test session is full and cannot accept additional registrations.
Sorry, this test session is nearly full. You may still register for your currently selected test(s), but additional tests are not available.
Our records indicate this member is not currently in good standing.
Test session registration is disabled for this member until this is remedied by a club administrator.
Please choose a family member at the top of this page
One moment please....
Your session has expired. Please login again.