Washington Figure Skating Club
2024-25 Test Credit Protocol Submission

Refer to the USFSA rules and the WFSC web page on which documents to submit by email to presidentofwfsc@gmail.com.

Please submit all documents in one email with your name and the test for which you are requesting credit in the subject line. Your request cannot be reviewed without the documents. There are no refunds if the appropriate documents cannot or are not submitted.

Step 1
Please complete these fields:

Last Name: * Date of birth: *
First Name: * USFS#
Address: * Phone: *
City: * Alt Phone:
State: * Your email: *
ZIP / Postal code: * Dance Partner:
Pairs Partner:
To specify your home club, begin typing its name in the box below, then click it when it appears in the auto-suggestion box:
* Your Home Club:

Step 2
ClickTap each test you wish to take:
Expand categories to see available tests

Step 3
Enter your coach(es)
Select your tests first, then complete this section

Please enter your Singles (FS) coach
Please enter your Dance Coach
Please enter your Pairs Coach
Please enter your Skating Skills / Moves Coach

Step 4
Review your charges:

Step 5
Complete payment:

Credit Card Information

Please enter your credit card information below:

Your credit card information will be discarded after checkout.

Full Name (as on card):
Card info:
Billing ZIP/Postal

By clicking the button below, I authorize Washington Figure Skating Club to charge my account today, Feb 10, 2025, the amount of $0.00 for the above listed item(s).

Submit Payment

We are processing your payment.

Please do NOT refresh this page.

Please do NOT click the "back" button.

You have previously registered for this test.

You may only select one testing level per protocol submission

Sorry, this test session is full and cannot accept additional registrations.

Sorry, this test session is nearly full. You may still register for your currently selected test(s), but additional tests are not available.

Our records indicate this member is not currently in good standing.

Test session registration is disabled for this member until this is remedied by a club administrator.

Please choose a family member at the top of this page