2021-2022 Skater / Member Registration Instructions
If you have not previously logged into CFSA EntryEeze, please click "Create a New Account" on the left hand side under New Members.
Once you have created an account, or logged on to your existing account, please proceed to the registration process.
If you forgot your password, you are able to reset it using the email address you have on file.
Learn to Skate Classes/USFS Member
In order to sign up for Learn to Skate Classes or participate as a Columbus Figure Skating Academy skater, please follow the below instructions. If you are unsure which membership applies to your skater, please contact a CFSA representative at the ice rink or email info@columbusfigureskating.com.
- Select "Learn to Skate USA" or "USFS" from the list of memberships.
- Once information is filled out, proceed to the cart to pay for your membership (fee includes membership and first month of classes.
- Each month, you will log in to your account and purchase the monthly tuition. There are NO contracts. If you do not purchse for that month, your skater does not skate.
All skaters are required some type of membership. If you are unsure of the type of membership you or your skaters needs, please contact a CFSA representative at the ice rink or email info@columbusfigureskating.com.
In order to renew or apply for a membership, please follow these steps:
- Select "Apply/Renew" on the top menu bar (for mobile users, click the 3 line button in the top right to display the bar).
- Select the skater's name (if more than 1 member).
- Select from the drop-down menu the membership type you wish to request / renew.
- Click "Apply" then complete all required information for the class.
- Membership descriptions are available on the desktop version of the site only. Mobile versions do not provide this option.