Virtual Testing Information
Important Change to Virtual Testing:
Effective immediately, all tests recorded for submission to a virtual test session are required to include a Virtual Test Placard. The placard must include the information below and must be held in front of the camera prior to the date (month and day) and time, which is also required.
Click on the button below to access the placard. It can also be found on Members Only under Testing > Overview > Information for Skaters. It can be printed or handwritten on a piece of paper or on a whiteboard as long as the following information is included.
- Skater Name
- Test Taken
- Host Club
- Date of Test
The video must show a live picture of a phone showing the current time and date. Please be sure to zoom in on the phone and stay on the picture long enough to be able to read it.
Video Requirements:
Per US Figure Skating rule book, Rule 4104, Videos must have been taken within 30 days of the submission deadline.
Affidavit For Virtual Testing:
The proctor must be an impartial person of authority (i.e., rink management, skating school director or local skating official) but may NOT be a coach/choreographer who has worked with the athlete, training mate or a parent/guardian (of the athlete or any training mates)
Name and Likeness form for Virtual Testing
Test results will be emailed and available approximately 1 week after the scheduled test date.