Welcome to
Figure Skating Club
membership system
Figure Skating Club

Austin Figure Skating Club



Membership categories

Introductory Bridge - has never taken a US Figure Skating Test (excluding LTS tests).  Membership fee includes sponsor.  Will receive a Club jacket 

Renewing Bridge - has been a member of AFSC before, has not taken any USFS tests

Introductory Adult Bridge - Same as Introductory Bridge but over 18 and doesn't need a sponsor. Will receive a Club jacket.

Renewing Adult Bridge - Same as Renewing Bridge but over 18 and doesn't need a sponsor. This membership is not available to skaters who have tested any USFS tests.

Senior - Skating member over the age of 18.

Junior w/ Sponsor - Skating member under 18. Membership fee includes sponsor.

Additional Skating Member - when there are 2 or more skaters in a family, use this category for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. skaters. No additional sponsor is needed if you have more than one skater.

Collegiate - Skater enrolled as a full-time College Student. It is a 4 year membership.

Non-Skating Member - usually when a 2nd parent or additional non-skater joins. First parent (or sponsoring adult) is included in membership fee when a sponsor is required. Additional Sponsor is $25.

Coach Member - must teach private lessons and be a member of PSA.  LTS only coaches are not eligible for this membership.

Associate Member - Is a member of another club declared their "Home" Club but would like to participate in Austin FSC activities.



Additional Information


Virtual Testing Instructions and Forms

Video Instructions

Affidavit Form

Name and Likeness Release

Virtual Test Placard

Submission deadline is the Test Date, not the day you recorded the test.

Volunteer Hours

Remember that you need 15 hours of volunteer time by June 30, 2023, to prevent the $150 penalty fee from being applied to your 2023-24 membership.


 Cedar Park Tourism Bureau

Thank you for your support of the Austin FSC. Visit them at CedarParkFun.com to find out more about Cedar Park tourism.

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