Welcome to
Forestwood Skating Club of
membership system
Forestwood Skating Club of

Welcome to Forestwood!

Contracted ice and contract payments such as Season Passes, Jr. Club Pass, Learn to Skate or Ice Show can be accessed by logginig into your Forestwood Entryeeze Account.

Walk-on Club Ice Sessions, Jr. Club Ice Sessions or Virtual Testing Ice can be purchased by logging into your Forestwood Acuity Account.

The Learn to Skate program is sold out to new members. 

Please visit www.clevelandskating.com for another Learn to Skate program near you.

We do not provide refunds, transfers, credits or late submissions for any reason. 

Virtual Test Session 2/14/25

The submission deadline is 2/14/25 @ 11:59 pm

Skaters make sure to buy your test BEFORE you record your test with your Placard.We do not provide refunds, transfers, credits or late submissions for any reason. 

Make sure you can follow the technical process from recording to uploading your test and forms BEFORE registering for a virtual test. 

You will find extensive instructions at www.forestwoodskatingclub.com

NEW! Starting Nov. 21- All test videos must show a Virtual Test Placard filled out correctly. 

If this is not showing, tests must be rejected without refunds, transfers or credits.

Upcoming Virtual Tests




Additional Information

USFSA Testing

Rule 4003 The waiting period for tests marked “retry” may not be retaken prior to the 13th day following the date of the original test includes:

A- 1. All skating skills tests;

2. Standard pre-bronze, preliminary, pre-preliminary, adult bronze, adult pre-bronze, and adaptive skating singles tests;

3. All partnered pattern dance tests;

4. All solo pattern and free dance tests;

5. All adult pair tests;

6. Adult partnered free dance tests;

7. All figure tests.

B. There will be no waiting period for standard singles, pair, or partnered free dance or solo free dance tests marked “retry” at the standard bronze level or higher, or adult singles tests at the silver level or higher.

Tests may only be taken one time per calendar day.

We're located at

Michael A. Ries Rink

5000 Forestwood Drive

Parma Ohio, 44134

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