Team Maneuvers/Duets/Trios:
These are all registered as team events and are done separately from individual events.
One person will register the team and pay using the Teams Option. From there, the roster can be entered.
Please note: Skaters can only sign up for a duet or a trio, not both.
Pattern Dance Events:
Skaters will perform two dance patterns based on the NQ dance rotation established by USFSA. See dances here.
The dances for each level are as follows:
Preliminary: Dutch Waltz and Rhythm Blues – 3 patterns
Pre-Bronze: Fiesta Tango – 3 Patterns
Swing Dance – 2 patterns skating the follow steps
Bronze: Ten Fox – 3 patterns skating the follow steps
Hickory Hoedown – 3 patterns skating the follow steps
Pre-Silver: Foxtrot – 3 patterns skating the follow steps
Fourteen Step – 4 patterns skating the follow steps
Silver: Rocker Foxtrot – 2 sequences. Sequence 1 follow steps. Sequence 2 lead steps (P . 16)
American Waltz – 2 sequences skating the follow steps
Pre Gold: Paso Doble – 3 sequences. Pattern 1 follow steps. Pattern 2 lead steps. Pattern 3 follow steps. (Page 17)
Starlight Waltz: 2 se