Welcome To All Competitors
Review carefully all the information included in this note.
It is the responsibility of each skater to verify the information for accuracy including your NAME, and all EVENTs competing.
If there is a problem, contact Carolyn Marker IMMEDIATELY -- NO CHANGES WILL BE MADE AT THE COMPETITION at cmarker243@aol.com.
Competition Rules:
1. NO REFUNDS not even for medical reasons. NO exceptions (refer to the US Figure Skating Handbook).
2. Be at the rink minimum 30 minutes prior to your scheduled event and be prepared to skate. COME DRESSED. There will be no locker rooms available at Pleasant Arena per Safe Sport guidelines.
3. All ADDITIONAL practice ice should be purchased in advance, online through Entryeeze. Practice ice will be available online to purchase till 11:30 pm the night before the event. Skaters will receive one practice session with their registration (no exchanges). EXCEPTION: testers must purchase practice ice.
4. NO REFUNDS on practice ice per contract with the Rink .
5. Awards and photos will be off-ice for all events.There will NOT be an official photographer. However, there will be an awards stand and back drop for parents to take photos.
6. UPLOAD your MUSIC and PPCs(IJS events only) by deadline if you haven’t already done so. Make sure you or your coach have a copy of your music rinkside in the event there is a problem with your music.