For any skaters wishing to register for State Games of America in San Diego, CA, July 17– July 21, 2024:
1. You must send an email to ASAP!
2. In the subject line put “NJ Qualifier” and your skater’s name.
3. In the body of the email put your skater’s name, USFS number, and the events for which he/she would like to register.
State Games will create a registration request for you in EMS.
You will receive an email to log in to complete registration and payment in EMS.
The deadline to register for SGA is Tuesday June 18th 11:59 PM ET.
Skaters will need to purchase any PI credits for pre-purchase as that will end 6/18 11:59pm ET. You may be able to purchase practice ice during Open Sales after the schedule is posted if you did not pre-purchase, as sessions are available.
Again, the deadline will be Tues, June 18 11:59pm ET
You will find the 2024 State Games of America information on the EMS website.